How to Delete Row in Excel - Compute Expert

How to Delete Row in Excel

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to delete row in excel. The understanding of how to remove rows in excel is needed when you want to throw away your data entries in a spreadsheet file.

Why do We Need to Know How to Remove Rows in Excel?

In the data processing process on the spreadsheet, sometimes we need to discard one or more data rows in our sheet. This is needed so we can remove data or processes that we do not need anymore, organize our table form, or for other purposes. If we cannot do it in an easy and fast way, then, of course, it will be troublesome because that means we need to do the removal of the data one by one manually or organize a data table form with many more steps than needed.

For the example of this need in our work, let’s say we are checking our company’s employee data table. Because we work as the HR of the company and we need to update the table by deleting the data of the employees who have resigned from the company, then we need to see the data entries in there one by one before doing the deletion of the entries as needed. If we do not know how to delete row in excel, then it will take a lot of time to do the update process for the table because that means we must remove the data of the resigned employees one by one before organizing the form of the table so it does not have holes in it.

If you understand how to remove row in excel, then the need like in the case will be much easier to fulfill. There are three methods to do it and you should understand at least one of them so you will face no difficulty when you need to remove data entries like the need in the described case.

What is How to Delete Row in Excel?

How to delete row in excel is a function in the spreadsheet with the usage objective to remove the entries of a data table in a worksheet of a spreadsheet file. Usually, this function is used when you want to remove the entries from the sheet because the contents in them are not needed anymore or they need to be updated.

How to Delete Row in Excel?

The following will explain how to remove rows in excel using the three methods. You just need to use one of them because the results of all three do not have a specific difference.

Method 1 - Delete Row Menu

  1. Highlight the places where you want to delete your entries by clicking their numbers on the left (Highlight as many as you need to delete by doing a drag)

    How to Delete Row in Excel - Screenshot of Step 1-1

  2. Click Delete in the Home tab

    How to Delete Row in Excel - Screenshot of Step 1-2

  3. Done!

    How to Delete Row in Excel - Screenshot of Step 1-3

Method 2 - Right-Click

  1. Highlight the places where you want to delete your entries by clicking their numbers on the left (Highlight as many as you need to delete by doing a drag)

    How to Delete Row in Excel - Screenshot of Step 2-1

  2. Right-click and choose Delete

    How to Delete Row in Excel - Screenshot of Step 2-2

  3. Done!

    How to Delete Row in Excel - Screenshot of Step 2-3

Method 3 - Shortcut Buttons

  1. Place your cursor on the cells where you want to remove your entries (Highlight the amount of rows as you need for the deletion process)

    How to Delete Row in Excel - Screenshot of Step 3-1

  2. Press Shift + Space Bar buttons simultaneously

    How to Delete Row in Excel - Screenshot of Step 3-2

  3. Press Ctrl + - (Command + - on Mac) buttons simultaneously
  4. Done!

    How to Delete Row in Excel - Screenshot of Step 3-4


After you have learned how to do the three methods above, now is the time to practice them to deepen your understanding!

Open a spreadsheet file and try to discard some of the entries by using each of the three methods. What is the result? Can you do it?

Additional Note

Be careful when you want to practice the way of how to delete row in excel in your spreadsheet file. If one of the cells in it is a reference for a formula, then the result of the formula will become an error!

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